Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ironic: Teacher pension funds invested in gun makers

Interesting that the people who supervise investments for the nation's massive teacher unions did not have a problem investing in gun manufacturers before the school massacre in Connecticut. Now they're scrambling to divest their portfolios.

From The Associated Press: 
For years, the gun industry has been a reliable investment, attracting tens of millions of dollars from some of the nation’s largest retirement funds. The firearms business has been strong, driven by relaxed laws for carrying concealed handguns and by buyers who feared that tighter gun restrictions were more likely under President Obama. 

But after the bloodbath in Connecticut, the practice is under review in at least four states, including two of the most populous, California and New York.
 I guess as long as the pension funds were returning a solid profit, it didn't matter where the money was placed? What say you liberals?

Teacher pension funds reconsider investments in gun makers

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